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The Word is SHIFT

Definition: Merriam-Webster Dictionary: to change place or position

The more I learn about the human brain, the more fascinated I become. In my training as a Certified Mental Fitness/PQ Coach, I have learned how we can build up the positive right side of our brain (where love resides) and decrease the impact of negativity present in the left side of our brain (where fear resides).

My Story on Shift

Life isn’t always easy, fair, or within our control. If you’ve ever found yourself overwhelmed by these thoughts, you’re not alone. They are some of the most common negative thoughts that can fill our minds, and left unchecked, they can shape our outlook on life in a way that keeps us stuck in negativity.

But what if I told you there’s a simple yet powerful practice that can help you shift your perspective and unlock a more positive mindset? I call it “positive shifting,” and it has the potential to change your life, just as it changed mine.

I’ve had my share of challenges over the years. But over time, I discovered a way to shift my thinking, to move from a place of negativity to one of positivity. And today, I want to share that practice with you.

The Practice of Positive Shifting

So how do we make this shift? How do we train our minds to move from the negative to the positive?

It can start with a simple question: “What’s one good thing that happened today?” By asking ourselves this question regularly, we begin to shift our focus from what’s wrong to what’s right. We start to build new pathways in our brain, pathways that lead us to joy, love, and compassion.

It’s important to understand that this isn’t about ignoring the difficulties in life. It’s about acknowledging them, but not letting them define us. It’s about finding the balance between the negative and the positive and choosing to focus on the latter.

Why It Works

The practice of positive shifting works because it taps into the power of our minds. Our brains are incredibly adaptable, and capable of forming new connections and pathways. By consistently shifting our thoughts to the positive, we can rewire our brains to respond to life’s challenges in a healthier, more constructive way.

Over time, this shift becomes a habit, and we find ourselves more resilient, more hopeful, and more at peace. And the best part? It’s something we can do every day, in any situation. It’s a tool we carry with us, ready to use whenever we need it.

A Simple Challenge

I want to leave you with a challenge: The next time you find yourself thinking, “Life isn’t fair,” or “Life is hard,” or “There are things in life I can’t control,” try to shift your perspective. Find one example that challenges that thought, one moment of fairness, ease, or control. And hold on to it.

And if you’re feeling bold, try spreading this positivity to others. Smile at a stranger, compliment a friend, or simply say hello to someone you don’t know. You might be surprised at how contagious positivity can be.

Positive shifting has made an enormous difference in my life, and I believe it can do the same for you. It’s a practice, a lifestyle, and it’s available to all of us, right here, right now.

If you’re ready to explore how positive shifting can transform your life, I’m here to help. As a life coach specializing in helping people transition to new chapters in their lives, I offer a one-hour free consultation to guide you on your journey to a brighter future.

Let’s work together to shift your mindset and unlock the positive possibilities that lie ahead. Contact me today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Email: or visit my website to learn more: 

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Updated: Dec 5, 2023

The word is HATE

Definition: Merriam-Webster Dictionary: intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury

Posted 12/4/23

Hate is my least favorite word in the English language. Everything about the word makes me reject it and the damage it causes. It is a path I never choose to take. In my opinion, it is a path none of us should ever take, and yet it seems to be all around us.

My Story on Hate

I recently came across a Native American story that inspired me.

"A grandfather talking to his young grandson tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him, struggling with each other. The first is the wolf of peace, love, and kindness. The other is the wolf of fear, greed, and hatred. "Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy. "Whichever one you feed" is the reply.”

From a very early age, I was taught that hate never solved anything. I learned that it does not come from strength. Hate comes from fear and in many cases from weakness.

Hate grows when left to its own devices. People who hate have the potential to destroy everything in their way without remorse. I wholeheartedly reject feeding the wolf of fear, greed, and hatred that may reside inside of me.

It is one of the reasons why I became a “Health and Life” Coach.

I encourage my clients who are wrought with anger and pain to put into action steps that allow them to grow and move forward, rather than to wallow in emotions that evoke hate. I encourage them to feed the wolves of peace, love, and kindness. I provide them with tools that empower them. They learn what they can control and what they cannot. I teach them empathy and curiosity. I steer them away from frustration and anger.

Life is hard, not always, but often enough. And the challenges we have to overcome grow even more complex with hate as an answer. I am sure of that.

I believe life improves when we recognize and focus on three basic birthrights. Three rights that every child born into this world deserves and should hold onto throughout their lives:

  1. The right to feel safe

  2. The right to belong

  3. The right to be loved

There is no right to hate on this list.

To expand on these rights, please read on.

The right to feel safe. At an early age, we teach our children to look both ways before crossing the street, not to touch a hot stove and not to talk to strangers. We want them to be safe. Despite our best efforts, none of us are always safe. But it is a right we should do our best to preserve.

The right to belong. Belonging comes from situations where common ground and a sense of community live. Families establish belonging with each other, religious groups, student groups, parent groups, musicians, actors, professionals, politicians, artists, and teams. The list is endless.

The right to be loved. That starts at birth, too. When a child comes into this world they have the right to be cared for and loved. As they grow, that right follows them. My maternal grandmother always made each of her sixteen grandchildren feel special and loved. I have done the same with my kids and my grandkids. This feeling brings joy and can be contagious when shared. Hate has the opposite impact. It destroys and tears people apart.

I want to leave you with the words of Victor Frankl, a psychiatrist, philosopher, and holocaust survivor who stated the following: “Everything can be taken from a man, but one thing; the last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s way.”

I learned with my Health & Life Coaching tools and through a program on Mental Fitness and the power of Positive Intelligence* that “given any set of circumstances, I can choose my way”.

I can help you do the same by:

  • Heeding the call of your three birth rights

  • Working on your power of positive intelligence

  • Showing up with empathy and curiosity

  • Feeding the peaceful, loving, and kind wolf inside of you


Looking to learn more about my practice and this program on Mental Fitness and Positive intelligence?* I invite you to visit my website: to get all the details.

I offer a free one-hour consultation with no obligations. I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your life and reach your goals.

*Mental Fitness program created by Shirzad Chamire. Author of the NYT bestseller "Positive Intelligence".

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Updated: Oct 22, 2023

The word is BETTER

Definition: Merriam-Webster Dictionary: improved in health or mental attitude

Posted 10/23/23

In these challenging times, it's more important than ever to check in with our loved ones and find ways to support each other. Lately, I've avoided the greeting “How are you?" when interacting with family and friends. Why? Because most of us are not doing so great. We're confused, afraid, and, in some cases, falling into periods of depression. So instead of asking “How are you” I ask “What’s going on in your world today?” This open-ended question allows you to share, vent, and unload. The honest exchange of thoughts and emotions can have a very cathartic effect.

As a Life Coach, my goal is twofold:

  1. To guide my clients on to a path of self-awareness and exploration

  2. To help them uncover, navigate, and activate behaviors that lead to a better way of thinking, acting, and living

Although we can't ignore the events of the world, we can control how much of them we let in on any given day. We can turn off our cell phone alerts, limit our time on social media, and curtail our viewing of cable and network news. In addition to those actions, we can remind ourselves of the parts of our lives that make us smile and the parts we are most grateful for. If we can’t think of any, perhaps we can ask others how they find theirs. I’ll share some of mine with you now. And after you read my story, I encourage you to schedule your free one-hour consultation to help get you on a better path.

My Story on "Better"

I admit to being a bit of a news junkie. I start my day watching fifteen to twenty minutes of national news, just enough to catch the headlines and a bit more. Those fifteen to twenty minutes consistently leave me feeling exasperated. In March 2020 (the onset of the Pandemic), I decided to practice yoga for twenty to thirty minutes immediately following the morning news. Science has supported the fact that yoga is excellent for reducing stress.

In recent weeks, with the additional national and global unrest, I have added a 10-minute meditation practice to my morning routine. This routine has allowed me to start my day off feeling better. It can be an option for you too simply by going to the YouTube Channel and searching for "Yoga with Adriene".

I bring this up to drive home an important point. We have the power to incorporate something into our day that will make us feel better. It need not be a thirty-minute yoga class or ten minutes of meditation. In fact, for just a moment yesterday, the vibrant colors of the autumn leaves made the pond I drove past look like a painting come to life.

The warmth of my family gathering this week for the celebration of my mom's 92nd birthday instilled a deep sense of gratitude for still having her in our lives.

The possibilities for feeling better are there if we take a moment to look around and notice them. Simply walking in your neighborhood could result in a friendly encounter with a neighbor.

Consider the look on the face of an elderly person when you stop by to simply say hello. I did just that yesterday. As she opened her front door, you couldn't help but notice the smile that came to her face.

Kind exchanges make people feel better.

Doing any of these things doesn’t make life perfect or erase sadness or pain, but doing them more often allows for those moments to take root. And the more we focus on those happy moments the lower the impact of that which brings us down. And before you know it, you’re training your mind to think better, feel better, and show the world the better side of you. And that my friends can be contagious. So take a few minutes today to smile at someone you pass in a store or on the street. Call someone to tell them you love them.

Take the time to make yourself and someone else feel better. If we all do our part, there will be more to smile about, I guarantee it. And that sounds really good about now.


Life is filled with challenges, and having the right tools makes a huge difference in how you manage them. As your Life Coach, I will provide you with those tools. I invite you to reach out to me, so we can get started. I know it will be time well spent.

I offer a free one-hour consultation. Please email me at to schedule an appointment.

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