The word is UNITED
Definition: Merriam-Webster Dictionary: Made one, harmonious
I know it’s a cliche, but the beginning of a New Year is often a time to reflect on the past year. It’s a time to contemplate doing things differently or hoping to do things better in the new year. My reflection and my hope focus on the word - UNITED.

My Story on United
There are countries, institutions, organizations, and businesses professing the word United in their names; United States, United Kingdom, United Nations, United Airlines, and United Parcel Service (UPS). You see where I’m going with this. The word embraces the connection of people.
Over the holiday week, I experienced the joy of being part of a four-generation gathering of people. My mom, my daughter, my grandson, and myself. Four generations, different in age, in appearance, different in capabilities, and very different in their daily needs.
What unites us though is simple, and perhaps another of life’s cliches. The key that unites us is our love for one another. Do we agree on everything? Of course not. Do we agree on how any of us should live our lives? Not as much as any one of us might like. But like all people who have a strong connection, we do our best to respect each other’s ways. Mostly, we do our best to recognize that our differences should never be allowed to divide us in harmful ways. Common ground and common values are the glue that unites us.
If you need time or a boost in confidence to figure out how best to unite with someone you’re in conflict with, get to it. Whatever it takes, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone, it will be worth it. Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
So I raise a glass to 2023 and toast the year ahead that it succeeds in breaking down walls, opening doors, and allowing more of us to stand united as a family, as a country, and as a world.
If you're having trouble uniting with someone or something in your life, it might be time to talk to a Life Coach, I hope you'll reach out to me. I offer a one-hour consultation, at no charge, to see if we're a good fit. Email me at to schedule a time. Thank you.
Happy New Year to my readers, and thank you for coming back time and again to read my blog. I hope they inspire and motivate you in ways that make your life richer and happier.