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Updated: Apr 16, 2022

The Word: Contentedness

Definition: Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “feeling or showing satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation."

We are living in challenging times. That is why it is so important to step back, take a breath or two and embrace the good moments. Find contentedness.

My Story on Contentedness

I attended a lecture a few years ago on stress. Ironically, it was while I was on a spa weekend.

A good friend invited me to escape the real world for a weekend of self-care. I imagined it would be a time to relax, with fellow escapees and embrace a world of healthy living, meditation, massage, and exercise. And yet, when it came time to choose a lecture, I decided to attend the one on stress. Go figure!

The speaker, a woman of around thirty, welcomed us. She walked around the room, making eye contact with each attendee, as she proceeded to ask us to get comfortable in our chairs and let go of any tension we might be holding in our bodies.

Feeling the lightness around her, she began her talk by describing how even on a spa weekend, we allow stress to enter our bodies. She went on to tell the story of a woman, who was scheduling a massage. If you’ve ever gotten a massage, you know that there are many types to choose from. This particular woman had narrowed them down to two. She chose a hot rock massage over a deep tissue massage. The relaxation element, the massage was supposed to deliver was, unfortunately, lost on this woman. It was lost because she had spent most of the time the masseuse was applying hot rocks to her body, stressing over whether she should have chosen the deep tissue massage instead.

That lecture was about 20 years ago, but I remember it well and do my best to abide by her words because the words made sense. She said, BE WHERE YOU ARE! I still have the t-shirt they gave us that weekend espousing the mantra.

I think it’s fair to say that most if not all of us have found ourselves in a situation where we can’t relax long enough to enjoy where we are in the moment. With that thought in mind, let me share some good advice I was given as my son’s wedding was approaching. I was told to take time to stop and just look around the room. Take it all in. Forget if the caterer is getting the food out quickly or if the band is taking too long of a break. Scan the room, embrace the people and the celebration they’ve all come to share. Be where you are.

One last note, as the holidays approach this weekend, be mindful of why you’re together. Maybe leave politics, the war, and all the rest of the noise outside the room you’re in. Embrace the moments. Choose each other to be content with.

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The word is: GRATITUDE

Definition: Per Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "thankfulness"

Posted April 6, 2022

My Story on Gratitude

The word gratitude has significant meaning for me which is why, in this post, I will be sharing a part of my heart with you.

One of my favorite proverbs “No man is an island” captures the sentiment surrounding the word gratitude. Those powerful words assure us that none of us are truly alone or self-sufficient. That all of us rely on others for comfort to thrive. It is an excerpt from a sermon delivered by John Donne, a poet and English Cleric in the Church of England, back in 1624. The full excerpt states: "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main..."

I tear up when I reflect on the boundless gratitude I have for so many people in my life. They are the people who have been there in good times and bad, disappointments, frustrations, and losses. They have helped me to be resilient and to draw strength from within to overcome challenges that might otherwise have drained me.

There is an image, I also want to share. It comes into my mind whenever I feel the unconditional support of the people in my life. It feels like a visual mantra because it calms me. It’s the bronze World War II Marine Corps Memorial that sits outside the District of Columbia. On February 23, 1945, six U.S. Marines climbed Mt. Suribachi and raised the American flag, signaling the US victory at Iwo Jima. Six soldiers forged ahead with all their strength and might to lift the American flag, securing its place on top of a hill for all to see. The US Marine Corps War Memorial is a very powerful symbol for many for a host of reasons. For me, it symbolizes the people in my life that always have my back. The people who steady and lift me during difficult times, reassuring me that I am not alone.

If you read my first blog on “Purpose”, you know that my mom had a stroke back in December of 2019. There are parts of her that I thought were gone, but they’ve been coming back day by day, and for that my gratitude goes out to all the people in her life; our family, her friends, her doctors, therapists, the amazing private aides she has had these past two years and the nurturing staff at her Assisted Living Facility. Her strength is improving and her resolve has never been better. My gratitude knows no bounds for all the people lifting her in body and spirit.

I would guess that we all have stories to share. That despite some of our more challenging moments we were extended a hand to hold, arms to embrace us, or legs to carry us. Who are you grateful to? Who holds you up? Who stands behind you with unconditional love to help you find your footing? If you haven’t told them lately, let them know the difference they have made in your life. Rest assured, they will be grateful to you for knowing that.

These are troubling times we're living. Embrace the people in your life who care and let them help. Let gratitude be a shared gift.

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Welcome to My Life Coaching Blog.

The word is: BALANCE

Definition: Per Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "mental and emotional steadiness"

Posted March 30, 2022

I know the phrase "work/life balance" comes to mind at the mention of the word “balance”. But, I’m going to take you in a slightly different direction today. I want to focus on the importance of balance in our bodies before we even walk out the door and take on whatever is waiting for us out there.

My Story on Balance

I start every day striving to achieve balance.

It started in March of 2020. Beyond the isolation brought on by the Pandemic, other challenges were going on in my life, so I committed to begin each day by practicing yoga. I found a class on YouTube that suited my needs perfectly. So there I was, an audience of one seeking to achieve balance at the start of each new day from the yoga mat on the floor of my family room. It was a plan that continues to deliver.

Through deep breathing, mental focusing, and coordinated body movement, I steady myself for the day ahead. I take classes designed to take away any aches or pains that might prevent me from finding balance. If I have pain in my lower back, a crick in my neck, or if I’m experiencing stress, I find the class that puts my body and mind back in balance.

I practice yoga. Yoga is referred to as a "practice" for a reason. Every day is different. Our bodies and our minds react to any number of outside forces. What we did yesterday may or may not affect what we need to do today. So we practice a little differently each day. One might say that every day is a balancing act on and off the yoga mat. Losing balance in your body and your mind literally and metaphorically happens. And it happens to all of us. So if I fall or lose footing, that reality gives me permission to start over, refocus, shift my weight and sometimes just acknowledge that for today, that side of my body just wasn’t meant to flow in quite that way. Ironically, there is a degree of balance to be had in recognizing that and a degree of peace as well.

If you’re having a hard time finding balance, it might be time to talk to a Life Coach. I hope you’ll reach out to me. Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you’ll come back next week when the word will be GRATITUDE.

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